. . . . . . . . "LifeWatch Italy has introduced its own Core Model, based on a customization of the OBOE Core, for the semantic description/capture of basic concepts and relationships in ecological studies. This framework ontology is based on 7 main concepts (classes) as Domain, Entity, Observation, Characteristic, Measurement, Protocol, Standard, providing a structured yet generic approach for semantic data annotation, and for developing domain-specific ecological ontologies as the Phytoplankton Trait Ontology (PhyTO)." . "LifeWatch Italy core ontology" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDGdFAdO5INEINOFSlBg52OJuxpfnfXQs36RkXLLou1zh0zHo6u1cuzatvDUlemO/C/3gIiNyuPhYq2JpWt+UfGxOUaJ4p8timVSGQSf+/5fWxi8BKJIWGVLV9Qy7ElwKMJA3AbX/zdAfNsTWhgaBjUQVNIE3bexaGR/JyDCCA6QwIDAQAB" . "gCfQpOMlRVvReYZ5Pdgx23MVdOzcy8ubQRqyyWrAox0lSMptcXZY4cO7dWSZXqqlBz5ShTUloIZQ7xe+ccIYlNu5wGOV3YqahIvwFqKch30WFJcsf8ANYQlt1vFZGB91npYGTBOqyZp0/6e6/BcX6ywYoMBK97rlsbAo37Jh6Zc=" . . "2020-11-25T14:46:06.985+01:00"^^ . . . . . .