. . . . . . "Correlation of dose and response for nanomaterials toxicity assessment requires information on the amount of the applied dose of nanomaterial that has been internalised by a cell population (or per specific cell) and is dependent on a number of factors including the exposure time, the particle density (i.e., whether settling occurs and thus the distribution of particles in the medium is non-homogeneous affecting the local concentration at the cell surface) etc." . . "dose of applied nanomaterial internalised by a specific cell population (or per single cell) -mass per cell area" . . . . . . "Martina Pulieri" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCyP+c67KYVJp2Mjfh91tqKGOGLNpxH4ufSMLBJ7JeWIAKKTscpLCRxKCzD3P/tFYmO6X1BHs7lgjoig+gu8JigIp8cuxL9t7ZrIEdXpIUy5KqEjC3NeSaq6LG1f+IQVgNSFa9etkWXGYEbvlDSBNauB0WlBO3XnTJyYT+fYaKgwQIDAQAB" . "WVqeGMu5Hd0/0RNysn0Bim+ehZ/AUdZ9XBHL6cPfigrC2AOkgvrxgjqIJ3s3WPUUcRQUT6ReQfEEBaXusTmwsId7xnwGYrhBaGIlqDhUyGODcrHa1/NTmqlSL5HVGY1LinA57LjywcbjeiDcyGa+rRIsc/S8kv7SiqPA/A+WIss=" . . . "2024-09-24T08:04:01.056Z"^^ . . . . . . . . .