. . . . . . "Allmaps makes it easier and more inspiring to curate, georeference and explore collections of digitized maps. 100,000s of maps are available through IIIF, across libraries, archives and museums worldwide. IIIF is the International Image Interoperability Framework, which is a set of open standards for delivering high-quality, attributed digital objects online at scale; see also https://w3id.org/np/RArYu3pzBwTJeZTVHoNRSGUTGPTGFoQEiUQfRrqRWyBBk" . "Allmaps" . . . . "Alessa An Gambardella" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCEJGVv2xFV8o+Ojt3f0N2LgtZTt4+24Lxp8esEZiFYKryDGBYaR0Ef4ajadqtlSpvUHlwNlVIF7XRWiGd64P8drVnqPtpRtxJ+SOl0UNvxuHzUjeWlOYKpKZ/UgrGwVSSR3LvwqXOM9qUkWqy0IQ2KsFbJHHwzgNbcEZuZOD+/WQIDAQAB" . "QZpnEIgM91RinV6PuTZqs6nwdBzXTpo0rOHjcDYKXIgSpp04CFGneEbSHEkNox5jIlCtGFViAx8yVFEBO7zjOcbawyNY9JUaV7K6CXkPSuHyP60Gqus6eOzx6Z1tw4xb5IvU/+HThV9RM5Pve2c+fAytAyk9ym3m5hbq3TM0Mr8=" . . . "2024-12-20T10:44:38.502Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . .