. . . . "metabolomics" . "has number" . "article" . "has contributor" . "has creator" . "has publication date" . "has description" . "has publisher" . "is about domain" . "has title" . "has digital object type" . "has access URI" . "has contact point" . "Leiden University" . "has funder" . . "access URI" . "Demo template for MAC digital objects" . . "Describing digital objects based on DCAT for MAC" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "MAC" . . "ORCID of contact point" . . "ORCID of contributor" . . "ORCID of creator" . . "publication date (e.g. 2023-12-31)" . . "description" . . . . "digital object" . . "funder URI" . . "grant number" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "title" . . "digital object type" . . . . "method" . "dataset" . . "Barbara Magagna" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCM0tu3I/KK6A/qPha/6pfngQZ4LBQpLnKAcIUuZLnSEb0epJ2IoY3zh/4N42us/6LpCHgZZZtSOTm5/KVo+OTDIqo294PpEZAO70u5DcMcGMC5OufzxGKs3Dwdo6XqPiDHxXuiaKCTO7/ABWAi7CtFoMrqJAHfeyqe82dAiH2IiwIDAQAB" . "gW74TQgah5ZYZy31QTCD9YoyuR5yO9P8e3kKHolXwuPfA4bRKQZj0UybZ3abdv2u0ptO599NTtJaKGq+EHMvWKS1TVkzUwzjf39Hjt84Ds8lT2Szj8yUU2bSy2N8NNpna74q3GrLdVXE0EonmssszQrxmxoeN82E6wEn5fKkBg4=" . . . "2025-01-16T21:33:14.292Z"^^ . . . . . . "Template: Describing digital objects based on DCAT for MAC" . . . . . . . . . .