. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "forest ecosystem - An ecosystem which is determined by communities of plants with a tree growth form and in which members of those communities form continuous or discontinuous regions of canopy cover." . "has habitat - x 'has habitat' y if and only if: x is an organism, y is a habitat, and y can sustain and allow the growth of a population of xs." . "Tobias Kuhn" . "Giulio Montanaro" . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD4Wj537OijfOWVtsHMznuXKISqBhtGDQZfdO6pbb4hg9EHMcUFGTLbWaPrP783PHv8HMAAPjvEkHLaOHMIknqhaIa5236lfBO3r+ljVdYBElBcLvROmwG+ZGtmPNZf7lMhI15xf5TfoaSa84AFRd5J2EXekK6PhaFQhRm1IpSYtwIDAQAB" . "mjm/wepgsqsQLrRkQFLmLvLx7Fz1NA9tsJZE0o7TCaGX5kV32aVEr3oV8ZNcP1aqHGOeAIWipppl5CYoFguAc/2ELeNLXZxtW1QLY3J57a+A3fPwwKEvq1raX1jFoooxdF5GOFn5IdlPBAgkwh9V8hesh8QLI83d/kLyCjx5Hmg=" . . . "2024-06-28T07:20:37.838Z"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Grebennikovius armiger (Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024) - has habitat - forest ecosystem" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Grebennikovius armiger (Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024)" . "Grebennikovius armiger (Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024)" .