@prefix this: <https://w3id.org/np/RAwWzhLo_Jp0ibwLgsXcsxj0jb8pzv4NCxaku8U9ePpbQ> .
@prefix sub: <https://w3id.org/np/RAwWzhLo_Jp0ibwLgsXcsxj0jb8pzv4NCxaku8U9ePpbQ#> .
@prefix np: <http://www.nanopub.org/nschema#> .
@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix nt: <https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/> .
@prefix npx: <http://purl.org/nanopub/x/> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix orcid: <https://orcid.org/> .
@prefix ns1: <http://purl.org/np/> .
@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
sub:Head {
  this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion ;
    np:hasProvenance sub:provenance ;
    np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo ;
    a np:Nanopublication .
sub:assertion {
  dct:description rdfs:label "has the description" .
  dct:license rdfs:label "has license" .
  dct:title rdfs:label "has the title" .
  rdf:type rdfs:label "is a" .
  <https://schema.org/DataCatalog> rdfs:label "data catalog" .
  <https://schema.org/archivedAt> rdfs:label "is archived at" .
  <https://schema.org/dataset> rdfs:label "contains dataset(s)" .
  <https://schema.org/datePublished> rdfs:label "was published on" .
  <https://schema.org/expires> rdfs:label "will be no longer after from" .
  <https://schema.org/https://schema.org/sourceOrganization> rdfs:label "has source" .
  <https://schema.org/maintainer> rdfs:label "has repository" .
  <https://schema.org/result> rdfs:label "results from" .
  sub:archive a nt:ValuePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI of institution/organization where data catalog is archived" .
  sub:assertion dct:description "Template for describing a data catalog at summary level" ;
    a nt:AssertionTemplate ;
    rdfs:label "Describing a data catalog at summary level" ;
    nt:hasNanopubLabelPattern "Dataset: ${title}" ;
    nt:hasStatement sub:st01 , sub:st02 , sub:st03 , sub:st04 , sub:st05 , sub:st06 , sub:st07 , sub:st08 , sub:st09 , sub:st10 , sub:st11 ;
    nt:hasTag "Datasets" ;
    nt:hasTargetNanopubType <https://schema.org/DataCatalog> .
  sub:datacatalog a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short URI suffix or full URI" .
  sub:dataset a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI of contained dataset(s)" .
  sub:description a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "description of the data catalog" .
  sub:expiredate a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "date when data catalog availability expires (YYYY-MM-DD)" .
  sub:license a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI of license of the published data catalog" .
  sub:organization a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI, ROR of insitution/organization where data catalog was produced" .
  sub:project a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI of research project in which data was produced" .
  sub:publishdate a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "date when made publicly available (YYYY-MM-DD)" .
  sub:repository a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI of repository where data catalog is published" .
  sub:st01 rdf:object <https://schema.org/DataCatalog> ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st02 rdf:object sub:title ;
    rdf:predicate dct:title ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st03 rdf:object sub:description ;
    rdf:predicate dct:description ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st04 rdf:object sub:organization ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/https://schema.org/sourceOrganization> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:st05 rdf:object sub:license ;
    rdf:predicate dct:license ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st06 rdf:object sub:repository ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/maintainer> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st07 rdf:object sub:project ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/result> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st08 rdf:object sub:archive ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/archivedAt> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:st09 rdf:object sub:publishdate ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/datePublished> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog .
  sub:st10 rdf:object sub:expiredate ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/expires> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:st11 rdf:object sub:dataset ;
    rdf:predicate <https://schema.org/dataset> ;
    rdf:subject sub:datacatalog ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:title a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "title of the data catalog" .
sub:provenance {
  sub:assertion prov:wasAttributedTo orcid:0000-0002-4930-2662 .
sub:pubinfo {
  orcid:0000-0002-4930-2662 foaf:name "Alessa An Gambardella" .
  sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA" ;
    npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCEJGVv2xFV8o+Ojt3f0N2LgtZTt4+24Lxp8esEZiFYKryDGBYaR0Ef4ajadqtlSpvUHlwNlVIF7XRWiGd64P8drVnqPtpRtxJ+SOl0UNvxuHzUjeWlOYKpKZ/UgrGwVSSR3LvwqXOM9qUkWqy0IQ2KsFbJHHwzgNbcEZuZOD+/WQIDAQAB" ;
    npx:hasSignature "NK3DAGJ1yBilVWdG3rAbZyByDt2K1SsvGPzpNZyqjR3OXKxCZ4sVrMM12JJOUNhEjIMA54ql6Rj/siISNiOTLL0Eljfl12FUww6p6Zd7M0D7ceBBk3AiI9Ui7GHj09vGgoaC0DmbKDq53T5Kdr2h3NsbP0f+rrmKo6x3lEu0Qi0=" ;
    npx:hasSignatureTarget this: ;
    npx:signedBy orcid:0000-0002-4930-2662 .
  this: dct:created "2024-08-14T17:21:00.248Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator orcid:0000-0002-4930-2662 ;
    dct:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> ;
    npx:wasCreatedAt <https://nanodash.knowledgepixels.com/> ;
    a npx:ExampleNanopub ;
    rdfs:label "Template: Describing a data catalog at summary level" ;
    nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate ns1:RANwQa4ICWS5SOjw7gp99nBpXBasapwtZF1fIM3H2gYTM ;
    nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate ns1:RAA2MfqdBCzmz9yVWjKLXNbyfBNcwsMmOqcNUxkk1maIM , ns1:RATtBNB9Rj1cIwxJyoHBgNn8eeIR06m0H6C6RTRVqSy3E , ns1:RAh1gm83JiG5M6kDxXhaYT1l49nCzyrckMvTzcPn-iv90 ;
    nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate <https://w3id.org/np/RALtjkZX1lYrTL2eCZp4VTW6vGGxiDZ-aaU-s1Z0Fcs2I> .