sub:assertion { sub:NASAAmes_Formatafip:Available-FAIR-Enabling-Resource , fip:Data-schema , fip:FAIR-Enabling-Resource ; rdfs:comment "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Format for Data Exchange (NASA Ames Format) is composed of ASCII data files that are written in one of nine \\\"standard\\\" file formats. The ASCII data file formats were developed at Ames Research Center by R. Stephen Hipskind and Steven E. Gaines in 1990 to standardize the file formats used for in-the-field data exchange during aircraft field experiments. Each ASCII data file consists of a file header, followed by the data records. The file header describes the data and the origin of the file. The data are conceptually divided into Independent Variables and Dependent Variables. The Dependent Variables are further divided into Primary and Auxiliary Variables." ; rdfs:label "NASA Ames Format|The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Format for Data Exchange" ; rdfs:seeAlso <> ; skos:exactMatch <> . }