sub:assertion {
this: dcterms:description """---
title: \"[[EVD]] - increased word ambiguity in abstracts was associated with slightly lower modularity of citation networks for those abstracts - [[@mcmahanAmbiguityEngagement2018]]\"
author: Joel Chan
date: Mon Jul 12 2021 12:35:18 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
- Summary::
- Increased word [ambiguity]([[ambiguity]]
- ![]( (p. 891)
- ![]( (p. 892, Table 2)
- Note: this effect was ~order of magnitude smaller than effects of number of disciplines and subject-wide modularity
- **Grounding Context**
- sample: ~1.1M abstracts from Web of Science (after trimming for min. threshold citations, and at least 5 usable terms for ambiguity measure in abstract)
- ![]( (p. 880 - 881)
- [[ambiguity]]
- define as posterior distribution over pr(M | t, c) (probability of each possible meaning for a given token in a given context) - see Appendix A (how to build \"meaning graph\" for each token), and Appendix B (how to estimate ambiguity)
- very similar to [[LDA]]
- ![]( (p. 898)
- ![](
- meaning simplified to proxy into synonyms from Moby and WordNet thesauri
- would prefer to define as cliques in synonym graph, but... for reasons, decided to simplify to just directed edges + the neighborhood
- examples (from data)
- ![](
- ![]( (p. 885)
- validated against human judgments (see Appendix C)
- \"engagement\" operationalized as graph entropy over subgraph from each article for max (1k cites, 3 recursive runs), computed in terms of maximal [[network modularity]]
- toy example:
- ![](
- ![]( (p. 880)
- examples (from data):
- ![](
- network modularity correlated at -.76 with topological entropy for random sample of 1.2k abstracts
- ---
- [[ACL Recontextualizing Claims and Evidence Shared Task]]
- Status:: #resultGrounded
- Annotator::
- ResultGrounding:: [[table]]
""" ;
a "" ;
rdfs:label "[[EVD]] - increased word ambiguity in abstracts was associated with slightly lower modularity of citation networks for those abstracts - [[@mcmahanAmbiguityEngagement2018]]" ;
foaf:page "" .