. . . . "Dulbecco's modified eagle medium" . "cells" . "haemocytometer" . "10% FBS" . "W.B.C. diluting fluid" . "1% of Pencillin-streptomycin solution" . "Count cells by haemocytometer using W.B.C. diluting fluid: Add 10 µl of cell suspension to 190 µl of W.B.C. diluting fluid and mix well. Load the cell suspension in a haemocytometer and count the cells. Adjust cell concentration at 1 x 106 cells/ml with Dulbecco's modified eagle medium supplemented with 1% of Pencillin-streptomycin solution and 10% FBS. The approximate yield of cells from 4 ml of blood varies between 107-108." . . . . . . . . . "2021-03-05T14:28:13.182982"^^ . . . . . . . . . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCEOtYac15zsWN/LAu3q7YFdW0UZNfX3BAarHW/LB1DHGcz0yYr0v7hKGbnCLJ+UkDfu3Mgj7BnCm1s8ulMULKfF4YjqS2YKHYZjNKVaIjSigFOpjOwIx99+qPlvd5CuG+Gia/sJA05jy2bPKLwb/kmVeeX0zORZudWLyRMLXp8UQIDAQAB" . "U8KFelaVwtdZVbxD9OKDL7gqME7gA+ZrPxkhsXthtpR9rb2f2Z9T41eCIfgDLm3c9B+hbTHuu8fLy6yYXttg+ztpMrITgkGdyslOxUv1Po7Pq60S/m7OTIBi26XGc4KrTxY7ENhIPjfkSWOc5YjJHiMKX0dOgewXLhwkynf4yLk=" . . . "2021-03-05T14:28:13.182982"^^ . .