. . . . . . . "compatible with - this work, product, object or standard can interact with another work, product, object or standard" . "right to life - belief that a human being has an essential right to live" . "refusal of medical assistance - situation when a patient refuses any or all parts of medical treatment" . "JosĂ© Gustavo Moura CorrĂȘa" . "RSA" . "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDJAlEpom1cvSiDSSm1fZDPvQbzVqEZExGkCRfnAoTV0kJ19Ec/QAbNlwHZf4PKE28i2pDmoic+DtRCamu/xkq2/WgzWnFG2vUkSw5c4EamigD0/4QIKQ/zvWnh6gCfN6QGEPropmvNqiJqBZ/suVyRqB+vKgcUQfwEPlSz19VyIwIDAQAB" . "Tssz6nLByU3pZpwqa5zAzReU/JhJwA55XErzRiKnckcgpzqo+pP0Qg/ZzIhcK1vLtZqyP1rlhSMBhqVuU4+3nLrDTmZZRntoRl64hadEVwvroAE9zPFldU68wGwWP9seyZfPGi8bmJhW0Zyzkq0dJsWoZicMOCqd8w/wmVX3alo=" . . . "2024-10-31T20:59:55.316Z"^^ . . . . . . "right to life - compatible with - refusal of medical assistance" . . . . . .