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    rdfs:label "indapamide tablets are indicated for the treatment of hypertension alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs indapamide tablets are also indicated for the treatment of salt and fluid retention associated with congestive heart failure the routine use of diuretics in an otherwise healthy woman is inappropriate and exposes mother and fetus to unnecessary hazard see below precautions diuretics do not prevent development of toxemia of pregnancy and there is no satisfactory evidence that they are useful in the treatment of developed toxemia edema during pregnancy may arise from pathological causes or from the physiologic and mechanical consequences of pregnancy indapamide is indicated in pregnancy when edema is due to pathologic causes just as it is in the absence of pregnancy however see below dependent edema in pregnancy resulting from restriction of venous return by the expanded uterus is properly treated through elevation of the lower extremities and use of support hose use of diuretics to lower intravascular volume in this case is illogical and unnecessary there is hypervolemia during normal pregnancy which is not harmful to either the fetus or the mother in the absence of cardiovascular disease but which is associated with edema including generalized edema in the majority of pregnant women if this edema produces discomfort increased recumbency will often provide relief in rare instances this edema may cause extreme discomfort which is not relieved by rest in these cases a short course of diuretics may provide relief and may be appropriate precautions" ;
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