sub:assertion {
sub:AERIS a fip:FAIR-Implementation-Community ;
rdfs:comment "The cluster for Atmospheric data AERIS, part of the French Data Terra Research Infrastructure, has the objective to facilitate and enhance the use of atmospheric data, whether from satellite, aircraft, balloon, or ground observations, or from laboratory experiments. It generates advanced products and provides services to facilitate data use, to prepare campaigns, and to interface with modeling activities. It consists of four Data and Service Centres (DSC) with strong expertise in data curation, storage, preservation and dissemination: ICARE, ESPRI, SATMOS and SEDOO. AERIS has close relationships with different laboratories for transferring prototype products and expertise on data. " ;
rdfs:label "French cluster for Atmospheric data AERIS" ;
rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
fip:has-research-domain <> , <> .