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    rdfs:label "pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablets are indicated for pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablet is a proton pump inhibitor indicated for the following short term treatment of erosive esophagitis associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd 1 1 maintenance of healing of erosive esophagitis 1 2 pathological hypersecretory conditions including zollinger ellison syndrome 1 3 pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablets are indicated in adults for the short term treatment up to 8 weeks in the healing and symptomatic relief of erosive esophagitis for those adult patients who have not healed after 8 weeks of treatment an additional 8 week course of pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablets may be considered safety of treatment beyond 8 weeks in pediatric patients has not been established pediatric indication and usage information in pediatric patients ages five years and older with erosive esophagitis associated with gerd is approved for wyeth pharmaceuticals inc s pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablets however due to wyeth pharmaceuticals inc s marketing exclusivity rights this drug product is not labeled with that pediatric information pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablets are indicated for maintenance of healing of erosive esophagitis and reduction in relapse rates of daytime and nighttime heartburn symptoms in adult patients with gerd controlled studies did not extend beyond 12 months pantoprazole sodium delayed release tablets are indicated for the long term treatment of pathological hypersecretory conditions including zollinger ellison syndrome" ;
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