@prefix ns1: <http://purl.org/np/> .
@prefix this: <http://purl.org/np/RAdH_JLHymepagUMpHInBlfO9tisUcls2WdK4Iv8mc0xw> .
@prefix sub: <http://purl.org/np/RAdH_JLHymepagUMpHInBlfO9tisUcls2WdK4Iv8mc0xw#> .
@prefix np: <http://www.nanopub.org/nschema#> .
@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix nt: <https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/> .
@prefix npx: <http://purl.org/nanopub/x/> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix orcid: <https://orcid.org/> .
@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
sub:Head {
  this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion ;
    np:hasProvenance sub:provenance ;
    np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo ;
    a np:Nanopublication .
sub:assertion {
  dct:description rdfs:label "has the description" .
  sub:assertion dct:description "This nanopublication defines an assertion template. Such templates are used to generate the input form for the (blue) assertion part of nanopublications." ;
    a nt:AssertionTemplate ;
    rdfs:label "Defining an assertion template" ;
    nt:hasStatement sub:stA010 , sub:stA020 , sub:stA022 , sub:stA025 , sub:stA030 , sub:stA040 , sub:stA050 , sub:stA060 , sub:stA070 , sub:stB000 , sub:stC010 , sub:stC020 , sub:stC030 , sub:stC040 , sub:stC050 , sub:stD010 , sub:stD020 , sub:stD030 , sub:stD040 , sub:stD045 , sub:stD050 , sub:stD060 , sub:stD070 ;
    nt:hasTag "Templates" .
  sub:defaultprov a nt:TrustyUriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "Nanopublication URI with provenance template" .
  sub:defaultvalue a nt:ValuePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "default value of the placeholder" .
  sub:description a nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "provide a description / instructions for the template here" .
  sub:group a nt:LocalResource , nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of grouped statement" .
  sub:label a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "label of thing" .
  sub:labeled a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI/placeholder mentioned above" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:possiblevalue , sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:labelpattern a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "the label pattern, e.g. '${abc} links to ${xyz}.' where 'abc' and 'xyz' refer to placeholder names" .
  sub:placeholder a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "placeholder mentioned above" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholderWithDefaultValue a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "placeholder" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholderWithPossibleValues a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "restr/guided choice placeholder" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholderWithPossibleValuesFrom a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "restr/guided choice placeholder" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholderWithPossibleValuesFromApi a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "guided choice placeholder" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholderWithPrefix a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of placeholder" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholderWithRegex a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of placeholder" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tobj , sub:tpred , sub:tsubj .
  sub:placeholdertype a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "type of placeholder: IRI, literal, restricted, etc." ;
    nt:possibleValue nt:AutoEscapeUriPlaceholder , nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder , nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder , nt:IntroducedResource , nt:LiteralPlaceholder , nt:LocalResource , nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder , nt:TrustyUriPlaceholder , nt:UriPlaceholder , nt:ValuePlaceholder .
  sub:possiblevalue a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "possible value" .
  sub:possiblevaluesfrom a nt:TrustyUriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "nanopublication with possible values" .
  sub:possiblevaluesfromapi a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URL prefix for API lookup" .
  sub:prefix a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URL prefix" .
  sub:prefixlabel a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "label for URL prefix" .
  sub:regex a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "regular expression" .
  sub:reqpubinfo a nt:TrustyUriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "Nanopublication URI with publication info template" .
  sub:stA010 rdf:object nt:AssertionTemplate ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION .
  sub:stA020 rdf:object sub:tlabel ;
    rdf:predicate rdfs:label ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION .
  sub:stA022 rdf:object sub:description ;
    rdf:predicate dct:description ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:stA025 rdf:object sub:tag ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasTag ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:stA030 rdf:object sub:templateType ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:stA040 rdf:object sub:defaultprov ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasDefaultProvenance ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:stA050 rdf:object sub:reqpubinfo ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasRequiredPubinfoElement ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stA060 rdf:object sub:targetnamespace ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasTargetNamespace ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:stA070 rdf:object sub:labelpattern ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasNanopubLabelPattern ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement .
  sub:stB000 a nt:GroupedStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement ;
    nt:hasStatement sub:stB010 , sub:stB020 , sub:stB030 .
  sub:stB010 rdf:object sub:tsubj ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:subject ;
    rdf:subject sub:tstatement .
  sub:stB020 rdf:object sub:tpred ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:predicate ;
    rdf:subject sub:tstatement .
  sub:stB030 rdf:object sub:tobj ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:object ;
    rdf:subject sub:tstatement .
  sub:stC010 rdf:object sub:tstatementa ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasStatement ;
    rdf:subject nt:ASSERTION ;
    a nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stC020 rdf:object nt:GroupedStatement ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
    rdf:subject sub:group ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stC030 rdf:object sub:tstatementx ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasStatement ;
    rdf:subject sub:tgstatementref ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stC040 rdf:object sub:statementtype ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
    rdf:subject sub:tstatementi ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stC050 rdf:object sub:torder ;
    rdf:predicate nt:statementOrder ;
    rdf:subject sub:statementWithStatementOrder ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD010 rdf:object sub:placeholdertype ;
    rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholder ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD020 rdf:object sub:possiblevalue ;
    rdf:predicate nt:possibleValue ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithPossibleValues ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD030 rdf:object sub:possiblevaluesfrom ;
    rdf:predicate nt:possibleValuesFrom ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithPossibleValuesFrom ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD040 rdf:object sub:possiblevaluesfromapi ;
    rdf:predicate nt:possibleValuesFromApi ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithPossibleValuesFromApi ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD045 rdf:object sub:defaultvalue ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasDefaultValue ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithDefaultValue ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD050 rdf:object sub:label ;
    rdf:predicate rdfs:label ;
    rdf:subject sub:labeled ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:stD060 a nt:GroupedStatement , nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement ;
    nt:hasStatement sub:stD061 , sub:stD062 .
  sub:stD061 rdf:object sub:prefix ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasPrefix ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithPrefix .
  sub:stD062 rdf:object sub:prefixlabel ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasPrefixLabel ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithPrefix .
  sub:stD070 rdf:object sub:regex ;
    rdf:predicate nt:hasRegex ;
    rdf:subject sub:placeholderWithRegex ;
    a nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:statementWithStatementOrder a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of statement" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:group , sub:tstatement .
  sub:statementtype a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "type of statement: simple, optional, repeatable" ;
    nt:possibleValue rdf:Statement , nt:OptionalStatement , nt:RepeatableStatement .
  sub:tag a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "Tag used as section heading to group templates" .
  sub:targetnamespace a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "the target namespace (URI prefix) in which the nanopublication ID is minted" .
  sub:templateType a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "template can be marked as unlisted here" ;
    nt:possibleValue nt:UnlistedTemplate .
  sub:tgstatementref a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of grouped statement" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:group .
  sub:tlabel a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "name of this template" .
  sub:tobj a nt:ValuePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI/literal/placeholder of the object" .
  sub:torder a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "integer value for statement order" .
  sub:tpred a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI/placeholder of the predicate" .
  sub:tstatement a nt:LocalResource , nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of simple statement" .
  sub:tstatementa a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of statement" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:group , sub:tstatement .
  sub:tstatementi a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of statement" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:group , sub:tstatement .
  sub:tstatementx a nt:LocalResource , nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "short ID of simple statement" ;
    nt:possibleValue sub:tstatement .
  sub:tsubj a nt:UriPlaceholder ;
    rdfs:label "URI/placeholder of the subject" .
  rdf:Statement rdfs:label "simple statement" .
  rdf:object rdfs:label "has as object" .
  rdf:predicate rdfs:label "has as predicate" .
  rdf:subject rdfs:label "has as subject" .
  rdf:type rdfs:label "is a" .
  rdfs:label rdfs:label "is labeled as" .
  nt:AutoEscapeUriPlaceholder rdfs:label "Auto-escape URI placeholder" .
  nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder rdfs:label "External URI placeholder" .
  nt:GroupedStatement rdfs:label "grouped statement" .
  nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder rdfs:label "Guided choice placeholder" .
  nt:IntroducedResource rdfs:label "Introduced resource" .
  nt:LiteralPlaceholder rdfs:label "Literal placeholder" .
  nt:LocalResource rdfs:label "Local resource" .
  nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder rdfs:label "Long literal placeholder" .
  nt:OptionalStatement rdfs:label "optional statement" .
  nt:RepeatableStatement rdfs:label "repeatable statement" .
  nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder rdfs:label "Restricted choice placeholder" .
  nt:TrustyUriPlaceholder rdfs:label "Trusty URI placeholder" .
  nt:UnlistedTemplate rdfs:label "Unlisted template" .
  nt:UriPlaceholder rdfs:label "URI placeholder" .
  nt:ValuePlaceholder rdfs:label "URI/literal placeholder" .
  nt:hasDefaultProvenance rdfs:label "has default provenance" .
  nt:hasDefaultValue rdfs:label "has the default value" .
  nt:hasNanopubLabelPattern rdfs:label "has the nanopub label pattern - assigns a pattern used to generate a human-readable label for the whole nanopublication" .
  nt:hasPrefix rdfs:label "has prefix" .
  nt:hasPrefixLabel rdfs:label "has prefix label" .
  nt:hasRegex rdfs:label "has regular expression" .
  nt:hasRequiredPubinfoElement rdfs:label "has required publication info" .
  nt:hasStatement rdfs:label "includes" .
  nt:hasTag rdfs:label "has tag" .
  nt:hasTargetNamespace rdfs:label "has the target namespace" .
  nt:possibleValue rdfs:label "has as possible value" .
  nt:possibleValuesFrom rdfs:label "has possible values from" .
  nt:possibleValuesFromApi rdfs:label "has possible values from API" .
  nt:statementOrder rdfs:label "has statement order value" .
sub:provenance {
  sub:assertion prov:wasAttributedTo orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234 .
sub:pubinfo {
  sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA" ;
    npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwUtewGCpT5vIfXYE1bmf/Uqu1ojqnWdYxv+ySO80ul8Gu7m8KoyPAwuvaPj0lvPtHrg000qMmkxzKhYknEjq8v7EerxZNYp5B3/3+5ZpuWOYAs78UnQVjbHSmDdmryr4D4VvvNIiUmd0yxci47dTFUj4DvfHnGd6hVe5+goqdcwIDAQAB" ;
    npx:hasSignature "GTZwsOcfvFzaWi97NFILoaxzE3GBT8l5hlfRo75R66gqEYxg0Ry6sob1si8mD3zVPEgBmeD2WIuLFkjUgWl90hjTkes+7bBNQo0zHeYIv5EOIueyshrTZJQ8Y7zmKA62SEaf0hlHgxK7HNn8cSV2r5Lc9qG9VE5/V+YlPkYPMJ4=" ;
    npx:hasSignatureTarget this: .
  this: dct:created "2023-08-07T14:13:14.384+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator orcid:0000-0002-1267-0234 ;
    dct:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> ;
    npx:supersedes ns1:RAcePQpCDGpHwy7tKiEkZ-r1dqWahglraKXhSAwXp_nEs ;
    nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate ns1:RANwQa4ICWS5SOjw7gp99nBpXBasapwtZF1fIM3H2gYTM ;
    nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate ns1:RAA2MfqdBCzmz9yVWjKLXNbyfBNcwsMmOqcNUxkk1maIM , ns1:RAh1gm83JiG5M6kDxXhaYT1l49nCzyrckMvTzcPn-iv90 , ns1:RAjpBMlw3owYhJUBo3DtsuDlXsNAJ8cnGeWAutDVjuAuI ;
    nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate ns1:RAcePQpCDGpHwy7tKiEkZ-r1dqWahglraKXhSAwXp_nEs .