sub:assertion {
sub:assertion dcterms:description "Such a nanopublication expresses an association between two organism instances (subject and object), for example expressing that one subject individual ate the object individual." ;
a nt:AssertionTemplate ;
rdfs:label "Expressing an association between two individual organisms" ;
nt:hasStatement sub:st01 ,
sub:st02 ,
sub:st03 ,
sub:st04 ,
sub:st05 ,
sub:st06 ,
sub:st10 ;
nt:hasTag "Biodiversity" .
sub:obj a nt:IntroducedResource ,
nt:LocalResource ;
rdfs:label "the object organism" .
sub:objAlt a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "existing URI identifier of the object organism" .
sub:objlifecyclestage a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the life cycle stage of the object organism" ;
nt:possibleValuesFromApi ",label,description&childrenOf=" .
sub:objtaxon a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the taxon of the object organism" ;
nt:possibleValuesFromApi "" .
sub:relation a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the relation between the two organisms" ;
nt:possibleValuesFrom <> .
sub:st01 rdf:object sub:subjtaxon ;
rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
rdf:subject sub:subj .
sub:st02 rdf:object sub:subjlifecyclestage ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:subj ;
a nt:OptionalStatement .
sub:st03 rdf:object sub:subjAlt ;
rdf:predicate owl:sameAs ;
rdf:subject sub:subj ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:st04 rdf:object sub:objtaxon ;
rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
rdf:subject sub:obj .
sub:st05 rdf:object sub:objlifecyclestage ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:obj ;
a nt:OptionalStatement .
sub:st06 rdf:object sub:objAlt ;
rdf:predicate owl:sameAs ;
rdf:subject sub:obj ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:st10 rdf:object sub:obj ;
rdf:predicate sub:relation ;
rdf:subject sub:subj .
sub:subj a nt:IntroducedResource ,
nt:LocalResource ;
rdfs:label "the subject organism" .
sub:subjAlt a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "existing URI identifier of the subject organism" .
sub:subjlifecyclestage a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the life cycle stage of the subject organism" ;
nt:possibleValuesFromApi ",label,description&childrenOf=" .
sub:subjtaxon a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the taxon of the subject organism" ;
nt:possibleValuesFromApi "" .
rdf:type rdfs:label "is a" .
owl:sameAs rdfs:label "is the same as" .
rdfs:label "has the life cycle stage" .