sub:assertion {
sub:a a pplan:Variable ;
rdfs:comment "float" ;
rdfs:label "a" .
sub:b a pplan:Variable ;
rdfs:comment "float" ;
rdfs:label "b" .
sub:code schema:programmingLanguage "python 3.8.6" ;
schema:text """@is_fairstep(label='Addition and subtraction', returns=(['', ''], None))
def another_step(a:float, b:float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
\"\"\"This step returns an addition and a subtraction of its inputs\"\"\"
return a + b, a - b
""" .
sub:out1 a pplan:Variable , <> , <> ;
rdfs:comment "float" ;
rdfs:label "out1" .
sub:out2 a pplan:Variable ;
rdfs:comment "float" ;
rdfs:label "out2" .
sub:step dct:description "This step returns an addition and a subtraction of its inputs" ;
pplan:hasInputVar sub:a ,
sub:b ;
pplan:hasOutputVar sub:out1 ,
sub:out2 ;
a bpmn:ScriptTask ,
pplan:Step ;
rdfs:label "Addition and subtraction" ;
schema:SoftwareSourceCode sub:code .