sub:assertion {
rdfs:label "use language" .
dcterms:description rdfs:label "has Description of the resource" .
sub:Actor a nt:IntroducedResource ,
nt:LocalResource .
sub:Category a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:communications ,
sub:history ,
sub:languages ,
sub:literature ,
sub:media ,
sub:music .
sub:Description a nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder .
sub:DesignProcedure a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder .
sub:DomainAudience a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ,
nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:adult ,
sub:children ,
sub:listener ,
sub:viewer ,
sub:young .
sub:ExtendFormat a nt:LocalResource .
sub:Fieldofactivity a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:communications ,
sub:computer ,
sub:history ,
sub:information ,
sub:languages ,
sub:literature ,
sub:media ,
sub:music .
sub:Format a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:AIFF ,
sub:GZIP ,
sub:HTML ,
sub:JPEG ,
sub:JPG-2000 ,
sub:PDF ,
sub:PNG ,
sub:TAR ,
sub:TIFF ,
sub:TXT ,
sub:WAVE ,
sub:XML ,
sub:ZIP .
sub:Homepage a nt:UriPlaceholder .
sub:LinguisticObject a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:english ,
sub:french ,
sub:german .
a nt:LiteralPlaceholder .
sub:Profession a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:arts ,
sub:marketing ,
sub:psychology ,
sub:writing .
sub:Resource_name a nt:LiteralPlaceholder .
sub:Type a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue sub:Image ,
sub:dataset ,
sub:music ,
sub:text .
sub:UserRights a nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder .
sub:assertion dcterms:description "Creating e_humanity data template for validation" ;
a nt:AssertionTemplate ;
rdfs:label "E- Humanity Fair Data Validation" ;
nt:hasStatement sub:st0 ,
sub:st1 ,
sub:st2 ,
sub:st3 ,
sub:st4 ,
sub:st5 ,
sub:st6 ,
sub:st7 ,
sub:st8 ,
sub:st9 ,
sub:st90 ,
sub:st91 ,
sub:st92 ,
sub:st93 ,
sub:st94 .
sub:hasCategory rdfs:label "has Category of the resource" .
sub:hasDesignProcedure rdfs:label "has design or procedure applied to the resource" .
sub:hasDomainAudience rdfs:label "has Domain audience of the resource" .
sub:hasFormat rdfs:label "has Format of the resource" .
sub:hasLocation rdfs:label "has Location" .
sub:hasProfession rdfs:label "has Profession" .
sub:hasType rdfs:label "has Type of the resource" .
sub:hasUserRights rdfs:label "has User rights of the resource" .
sub:st0 rdf:object sub:name ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:Actor .
sub:st1 rdf:object sub:Fieldofactivity ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:Actor .
sub:st2 rdf:object sub:Profession ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasProfession ;
rdf:subject sub:Actor .
sub:st3 rdf:object sub:Homepage ;
rdf:predicate schema:url ;
rdf:subject sub:actor ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:st4 rdf:object <> ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasLocation ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st5 rdf:object sub:Resource_name ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st6 rdf:object sub:Type ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasType ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st7 rdf:object sub:Category ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasCategory ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st8 rdf:object sub:DomainAudience ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasDomainAudience ;
rdf:subject sub:actor ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:st9 rdf:object sub:Description ;
rdf:predicate dcterms:description ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st90 rdf:object sub:UserRights ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasUserRights ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st91 rdf:object sub:Format ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasFormat ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st92 rdf:object sub:ExtendFormat ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:actor ;
a rdf:Statement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:st93 rdf:object sub:DesignProcedure ;
rdf:predicate sub:hasDesignProcedure ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
sub:st94 rdf:object sub:LinguisticObject ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:actor .
schema:url rdfs:label "has Homepage URL" .
rdfs:label "has" .
rdfs:label "has Name of e-humanity resource" .
rdfs:label "has field of activity" .
rdfs:label "has Extend to the format resource" .