sub:assertion {
sub:LinguisticSystem a schema:ComputerLanguage ;
rdfs:label "python" ;
rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
owl:versionInfo "" .
sub:image a pplan:Variable ;
rdfs:comment "float" ;
rdfs:label "image" .
sub:out1 a pplan:Variable ;
rdfs:comment "float" ;
rdfs:label "out1" .
sub:step dct:description """@is_fairstep(label='Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)')
# Give it your own name:
def xiao_func1(image:float) -> float:
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
chars = \"wow, what a beautiful image!\"
width, height = image.size
chars_x, chars_y = int(width/2), int(heigh/2)
ttf = ImageFont.load_default()
img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
img_draw.text((chars_x, chars_y), chars, font=ttf, fill=(255,0,0))
return new_image
""" ;
dct:language sub:LinguisticSystem ;
pplan:hasInputVar sub:image ;
pplan:hasOutputVar sub:out1 ;
a bpmn:ScriptTask ,
pplan:Step ;
rdfs:label "Put here a name of your awesome step (include the word awesome so others will find it)" .