sub:assertion {
dct:description rdfs:label "can be described as follows: - gives a thing (left) a human-readable description (right)" .
sub:assertion a nt:AssertionTemplate ;
rdfs:label "Introducing a new SIP related term (new ID)" ;
nt:hasNanopubLabelPattern "${class}: ${name}" ;
nt:hasStatement sub:st0 ,
sub:st2 ,
sub:st3 ,
sub:st4 ,
sub:st5 ;
nt:hasTag "FAIR" .
sub:class a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "choose whether this is a Digital Object Type or a Methodology" ;
nt:hasDefaultValue <> ;
nt:possibleValue <> , <> , <> .
sub:description a nt:LongLiteralPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "description of the Digital Object Type or Methodology" .
sub:exactMatch a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "a URL of a term that is almost exactly the same as" .
sub:name a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the name of the Digital Object Type or a Methodology" .
sub:seeAlsoLink a nt:ExternalUriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "a URL where more information can be found" .
sub:st0 rdf:object sub:class ;
rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
rdf:subject sub:thing .
sub:st2 rdf:object sub:name ;
rdf:predicate rdfs:label ;
rdf:subject sub:thing .
sub:st3 rdf:object sub:description ;
rdf:predicate dct:description ;
rdf:subject sub:thing .
sub:st4 rdf:object sub:exactMatch ;
rdf:predicate <> ;
rdf:subject sub:thing ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:st5 rdf:object sub:seeAlsoLink ;
rdf:predicate rdfs:seeAlso ;
rdf:subject sub:thing ;
a nt:OptionalStatement ,
nt:RepeatableStatement .
sub:thing a nt:IntroducedResource ,
nt:UriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "short name, used as URI suffix - the formal identifier of the Digital Object Type or a Methodology" ;
nt:hasPrefix "" ;
nt:hasPrefixLabel "" .
rdf:type rdfs:label "is a - asserts that the given thing (left) belongs to the given class (right)" .
rdfs:label rdfs:label "has the name - connects an identifier to a human-readable name for it" .
rdfs:seeAlso rdfs:label "is further explained at - connects an identifier to a link with further information about it" .
rdfs:label "is almost exactly the same as - links this identifier to other related existing identifiers" .
rdfs:label "Digital Object Type" .
rdfs:label "Methodology" .
rdfs:label "Non-FAIR representation" .