sub:assertion {
dcterms:description rdfs:label "can be described as follows:" .
sub:assertion a nt:AssertionTemplate ;
rdfs:label "Defining a new class by intersection or union" ;
nt:hasStatement sub:st0 ,
sub:st1 ,
sub:st2 ,
sub:st3 ,
sub:st4 ,
sub:st5 ,
sub:st6 ,
sub:st7 .
sub:class1 a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "URI of existing class 1" ;
nt:possibleValuesFromApi "" , "" .
sub:class2 a nt:GuidedChoicePlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "URI of existing class 2" ;
nt:possibleValuesFromApi "" , "" .
sub:description a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "description of the class" .
sub:intersectionOrUnion a nt:RestrictedChoicePlaceholder ;
nt:possibleValue owl:intersectionOf ,
owl:unionOf .
sub:list rdfs:label "List" .
sub:list-rest rdfs:label "List-Rest" .
sub:name a nt:LiteralPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "the name of the class" .
sub:newclass a nt:IntroducedResource ,
nt:LocalResource ,
nt:UriPlaceholder ;
rdfs:label "short ID of the new class" .
sub:st0 rdf:object owl:Class ;
rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
rdf:subject sub:newclass .
sub:st1 rdf:object sub:name ;
rdf:predicate rdfs:label ;
rdf:subject sub:newclass .
sub:st2 rdf:object sub:description ;
rdf:predicate dcterms:description ;
rdf:subject sub:newclass ;
a nt:OptionalStatement .
sub:st3 rdf:object sub:list ;
rdf:predicate sub:intersectionOrUnion ;
rdf:subject sub:newclass .
sub:st4 rdf:object sub:class1 ;
rdf:predicate rdf:first ;
rdf:subject sub:list .
sub:st5 rdf:object sub:list-rest ;
rdf:predicate rdf:rest ;
rdf:subject sub:list .
sub:st6 rdf:object sub:class2 ;
rdf:predicate rdf:first ;
rdf:subject sub:list-rest .
sub:st7 rdf:object rdf:nil ;
rdf:predicate rdf:rest ;
rdf:subject sub:list-rest .
rdf:first rdfs:label "has first element" .
rdf:nil rdfs:label "end-of-list" .
rdf:rest rdfs:label "has rest" .
rdf:type rdfs:label "is a" .
rdfs:label rdfs:label "is called" .
owl:Class rdfs:label "class" .
owl:intersectionOf rdfs:label "is intersection of" , "is the intersection of the classes in" .
owl:unionOf rdfs:label "is union of" .